Businessman with umbrellas in heavy rain.

Malaysia’s inclusive cybersecurity strategy (MCSS) launches today

The Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024 (MCSS 2020-2024) finally launched today, with NACSA’s Chief Executive sharing that an advisory report by Akademi Sains Malaysia served as one of the main references for the five-year MCSS.

NACSA, the National Cyber Security Agency is the lead agency that integrates existing cybersecurity capabilities in a strategic and coordinated manner. MCSS would be one of its strategies.

NACSA CEO, Mohd. Shah Nuri bin Md. pointed out that the strategy is a comprehensive one, to mitigate the evolving cyberthreats through an integrated and effective model of public-private partnership (PPP).

“The strategy will cover all areas of cybersecurity and also focus on how we are going to implement it effctively, with the visiion for Malaysia’s cyberspace to be secure, trusted and resilient,” Mohd Shah said.

Five pillars

The five strategic pillars he outlined comprises of 12 action plans and 113 programmes within the strategy’s five-year timegframe, which may be added to as they go along.

The first pillar focuses on governance and management at national, sectoral and organisation level.

Mohd. Shah said, “We will establish expert groups comprising of every community, government agencies, private sectors, industry and academia, to guide the specific sectors like aviation or maritime, for example.

“We are creating an ecosystem with clear roles and responsibilities for all agencies involved to protect our critical systems, our SMEs, managing cybercrime, awareness and education, capacity building, international cooperation, and national security and sovereignty,” he explained, adding also that the strategy will determine the best mechanism of how to work together, with a ‘’whole nation approach”.

Pillar 2 will look into the aspect of law and enforcement to handle cybercrime issues by creating a coordination platform for all enforcement agencies and other related parties including telcos and industries.

Pillar 3 outlines programmes to faciliate and support local industries and innovation and also research and development.

Pillar 4 looks into capacity and capability building, awareness and education. A comprehensive plan will be developed. Talent development initatiives have already started, one of them being a special programme to involve more women in cybersecurity.

International cooperation programmes and implementation of all activities under regional and international platforms, are the focus of Pillar 5.

Mohd. Shah pointed out, “All the programmes under this strategy (MCSS) will be synchronised and aligned with our digital initiatives which include the digital economy masterplan and our IR4.0 policy.”

What’s next?

After the launch today, the National Cyber Security Committee, which is the new cybercurity governing body of Malaysia, will be established.  It will be the highest committee that is responsible in managing cybersecurity in the country, according to Mohd. Shah

The Malaysia Cyber Security Action Plan will be executed immediately after the committee’s first meeting next month.

Mohd. Shah concluded his ten minute introduction to MCSS by emphasisng that it is an inclusive strategy involving not just ICT, but all parties from industries, to organisations to boards of directors to academia, and more, to participate and work together.

He had earlier alluded to a series of engagement sessions being carried out with specific groups, to deliberate further.