
Fortinet Ties Up with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS to Create Pipeline of Cybersecurity Talent

Fortinet, the global leader in high-performance cyber security solutions, today announced that it has forged a collaboration with Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), one of Malaysia’s top universities, to jointly develop cybersecurity talent. UTP is the first Fortinet Network Security Academy (FNSA) program partner in Southeast Asia.

The FNSA is designed to develop and train knowledgeable cybersecurity experts to manage new and advanced threats on the horizon. The Academy will provide Fortinet’s industry-recognized Network Security Expert (NSE) training and certification opportunities to participants through theoretical lectures and hands-on laboratory practice. Participating students are equipped with additional knowledge for a successful career in network security.

 “Security threats are increasing and impacting organizations of all sizes and industries worldwide,” said Dato’ Seri George Chang, Fortinet’s VP for Asia Pacific. “Current estimates show up to 1 million cybersecurity job openings with demand expected to rise to 6 million globally by 2019. We are partnering with organizations in APAC and around the globe, in an innovative way, to fill the pipeline of cybersecurity experts needed to manage and thwart increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.”

 Fortinet Network Security Academy Designed to Shape Future of Cybersecurity Workforce

Multiple studies demonstrate the cybersecurity labour shortage and the dire need for additional experts.

British insurance company Lloyd’s estimated that cyberattacks cost businesses as much as $400 billion a year. The key verticals under attack include healthcare, financial services, education and technology companies with the top threats including malware, botnets and application exploits.

FNSA was created to address the international shortage of cybersecurity experts and to build a workforce skilled in all aspects of Fortinet’s Security Fabric from IoT to the cloud, who will be recognized in the industry among an elite group of security professionals. The Academy brings the training and certification opportunities previously only offered to Fortinet customers and partners to educational institutions, non-profit organizations and veterans programs. Training for faculty is free of charge for these organizations, arming the professors with the skills needed to teach the program to students who will learn how to protect global organizations from cyber threats.

Fortinet sponsors the training content and examinations for each Academy site, along with supporting instructor preparation. Academy sites offering the training and certification courses provide the lab environment (virtual or hardware) and instructors to deliver the program content.

Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim UTP Vice Chancellor said UTP is excited to be Fortinet’s first education institution partner for FNSA in Southeast Asia.

“It is a unique program that combines Fortinet’s advanced security technologies and UTP’s expertise, and I am confident it will greatly boost Malaysia and the region’s efforts to groom cybersecurity experts.  I hope that UTP will be one of the top breeding grounds for future cybersecurity specialists in the region,” he said. “This collaboration with Fortinet is another important milestone for UTP’s journey towards becoming a globally recognised and prominent higher learning institution.”

Click HERE to apply to become a Fortinet Network Security Academy. For more information about the Fortinet Network Security Academy, visit Fortinet’s training academy or email

About Fortinet

Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) secures the largest enterprise, service provider, and government organizations around the world. Fortinet empowers its customers with intelligent, seamless protection across the expanding attack surface and the power to take on ever-increasing performance requirements of the borderless network – today and into the future. Only the Fortinet Security Fabric architecture can deliver security without compromise to address the most critical security challenges, whether in networked, application, cloud, or mobile environments. Fortinet ranks #1 in the most security appliances shipped worldwide and more than 300,000 customers trust Fortinet to protect their businesses. Learn more at, the Fortinet Blog, or FortiGuard Labs.


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